One of my great discoveries of last year was wool socks. I’m sure many northerners have been aware of these wonderful warmers for centuries. At the beginning of winter, I took a chance and bought my first 4-pack of wool socks and what a delight. No more cold feet.
These socks were also great for sleeping. I have always had a difficult time going to sleep if my feet are cold. These socks were amazing, I would put them on and immediately my feet were warm. So much so, sometimes I would take them off in the middle of the night because I was too warm.
One morning, one sock was missing, I gave the room a once over and thought, “Well it’s in here somewhere, I’ll find it later.” Springtime came, and it was time to put away the winter clothes. I began to seriously look for that missing run-away sock. It couldn’t have left the room; it’s got to be here somewhere, I thought.
I asked my husband if he had seen the sock, I mentioned to my good friend my mysterious sock disappearance. I did the normal look everywhere, then a repeat of the entire process. I completely cleaned the room, hmmm where is that sock?
It’s not that the socks were costly or even worth a millisecond of anxiousness, but it had now become a puzzle, like a mystery that had to be solved.
After feeling like I had looked everywhere and cleaned everywhere, I stood in the kitchen and said, “Lord, you know where the sock is.” Immediately I knew exactly where the sock was. I went right to it as I thanked the Lord for His mercy, grace and faithfulness to me.
Why did I not go the Lord immediately? It was because I knew it was there in the room and I thought “I SHOULD” be able to find it. It was never a conscious decision to not discuss this over with the Lord, I just thought, “I could do it.” Pride is a very seductive liar. It tells us we should figure everything out our own. We can do it. Many people believe they should completely exhaust their own efforts before they ask for help, and then sometimes they still do not ask.
Why would I go to God with something so insignificant you might ask. The more we fellowship with the Holy Spirit in the very little everyday moments of life the more able we will be to hear His voice clearly in the midst of a storm. Our Father God has sent us His greatest promise, the Holy Spirit, to be with us always. Every moment He is there. Every moment He is with us ready and willing to give us words of knowledge, words of wisdom, gifts of miracles, gifts of healing, and gifts of faith. He helps us to pray, build us up, comfort us, encourage us, empower us to be a witness, and more.
It’s similar to exercising our physical muscles, if I am not faithful to lift the 10 lb. dumbbells, I will not be able to lift the 15 lb. ones. Jesus put it this way, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.” Let us be faithful to acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will make our paths straight.
If your curious where the sock was message me 🙂