I had a dream one night I was attending a women’s Aglow meeting. As I entered the meeting room, two ladies came up to me. One said, “We have something against you.” Undaunted by this comment, I replied, “Okay, what Continue reading...
Time to RESET Your Heart!
I have been keenly tuned in to what God is saying about reset. It’s one thing to hear a Word from God but it often takes prayer and meditation to understand what God is saying in that word. It is Continue reading...
What does reset mean?
What picture comes to your mind when you hear the word reset? Here are some thoughts from Merriam-Webster: • to return to factory settings • to move something back to an original place or position • to put a broken Continue reading...
Reset, Revive, and Restore
I received three words from the Lord at the beginning of this year. Reset, Revive, and Restore. I was researching the word “reset” as I believe we should spend a few months on each word allowing God to work His Continue reading...